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What You Should Know About Wearing a Mask after Chemical Peels

Let’s unveil the power of masks for people undergoing treatment courses with chemical peels — their efficiency is second to none. Not only do they not affect the final glow you receive after the procedure, but they will improve and enhance it. Masks don’t penetrate as deep as the acids in the chemical peel content — your clients are in the safe zone.

Peel Smart: Professional Tips for How to Handle a Mask in Your Salon

            One of the greatest and easiest options to use will be a standard peel mask. Provide your clients with instructions on how to put them to good use and get the best of both worlds — masks and chemical peels in one go:

  • Say “no” to reusing masks — even if facial masks allow for multiple uses, it is better to reduce those to ensure you don’t apply a meaningless solution to the client’s face.
  • Stick to the specified mask-wearing time — during and after the peeling process, it is crucial to understand how much time your client has to wear a mask. On the one hand, considering the recommendations from the manufacturer will make a difference. On the other hand, it is recommended to wear a mask for one or two hours on and off. However, long-term sessions like eight hours straight spent in a moisturizing mask might harm you more rather than benefit your skin.
  • Track skin reactions — if there are any suspicious signs of adverse reactions or irritations, the best decision is to pull off the mask and replace it with analogous options in the same or alternative class of beauty products.
  • Monitor heat buildup — it is important to take breaks from wearing a professional mask after chemical peels. This way, you will let your skin breeze and cool down. The surplus of heat may trigger undesirable reactions, including unwanted hyperpigmentation.

The Right Mask After Chemical Peels by Ingredients

            Your collection of professional products will stand out if you introduce effective and simple means of post-treatment care for your clients. Your must-have duo for most kinds of chemical peel courses will include the following:

  • neutralizers for controlling the speed and intensity of penetration;
  • face masks for professionals to address sensitive skin concerns after peeling.

            To achieve the best result possible, pay attention to the product’s formula. With high-end goodies from Reneo Cosmetics, there is no need to worry about their quality and efficiency. Nonetheless, knowledge is power.

            Here are a few suggestions on what mask after chemical peels will work for your customers:

  • Hyaluronic acid — without a doubt, it is the number one ingredient that pops up in an aesthetician’s mind when the task is to address irritation, dryness, and dehydration. The best thing is that it suits all skin types.
  • Niacinamide — given its anti-inflammatory effect, it is a stunning option for a mask after chemical peels. It also works as an effective means of treating skin barrier concerns and reducing redness.
  • Vitamin E — as an antioxidant, it offers anti-ageing effects that can boost the functionality of the chosen chemical peel.
  • Calendula extract — here is another ingredient with an anti-inflammatory efficiency on the list that will accelerate healing and soothe skin irritation — 10 out of 10 for face masks for professionals.
  • Ceramides — make sure your client’s skin is capable of retaining moisture and healing without issues with the effects of the chosen chemical peel.

Other recommendations for aestheticians on choosing the best facial Mask After Chemical Peels would be:

  • Stay aside from harsh actives like BHAs and AHAs.
  • Make sure the target mask includes ingredients for antioxidant protection and barrier support.
  • In this case, it will be advantageous to opt for masks with a soothing and cooling effect.

Key Takeaways

            Are you up in arms for buying effective and advanced solutions for your salon? Follow this guide’s recommendations to ensure the products you offer to your clients are of top-tier quality. Reneo Cosmetics has got you covered with an extended palette of solutions that will take after-chemical-peel treatment to the next level.

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