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Top 5 questions about SPF

SPF is a sun protection factor, the numbers of which indicate how many times the minimum erythema dose increases while using this sunscreen. Or to put it more simply, the numbers show how long you can stay in the sun before you get sunburned. Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account not the numbers, but the ingredients.


Conductive serums: What? When? For what?

Serums are true assistants in the cosmetologist’s office, designed specifically to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.
The creation of serums for device-based treatments is based on a well-known and established medical field – physiotherapy, where the influence of all possible ways on mechano-, heat- and baroreceptors gives successful results in the treatment of many pathological conditions not only of the skin, but also of internal organs.


Skin Care Concentrate: Key to Healthier, Brighter Skin

Skin care concentrate is a big part of any regimen that provides intensive care to the skin. It has a higher percentage of active ingredients compared with non-creams and moisturisers. As such, it works better for specific needs such as dry skin, aged skin, and one with pigmentation. What Is a Skin Care Concentrate? A skin care concentrate is an effective formulation that includes powerful active ingredients. The active ingredient concentration in it is more than that of standard creams or lotions. Such a product goes through the layers of skin quite effectively. This leads to faster and better results. Such concentration is often used for addressing issues such as rough, lifeless skin, or presence of wrinkles or creases. These products are typically used in the fourth stage of the four steps, where the first three is to apply a cleanser followed by an eye cream, and lastly moisturizer. They usually involve the use of minute amounts of the concentrates since the ingredients are potent. To obtain satisfactory results, it is advisable to incorporate them into a complete regimen that involves several steps or processes. Benefits of Using a Skin Care Concentrate Skin care concentrates have a number of advantages.


Top 5 questions about SPF

SPF is a sun protection factor, the numbers of which indicate how many times the minimum erythema dose increases while using this sunscreen. Or to put it more simply, the numbers show how long you can stay in the sun before you get sunburned. Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account not the numbers, but the ingredients.


Conductive serums: What? When? For what?

Serums are true assistants in the cosmetologist’s office, designed specifically to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.
The creation of serums for device-based treatments is based on a well-known and established medical field – physiotherapy, where the influence of all possible ways on mechano-, heat- and baroreceptors gives successful results in the treatment of many pathological conditions not only of the skin, but also of internal organs.


Skin Care Concentrate: Key to Healthier, Brighter Skin

Skin care concentrate is a big part of any regimen that provides intensive care to the skin. It has a higher percentage of active ingredients compared with non-creams and moisturisers. As such, it works better for specific needs such as dry skin, aged skin, and one with pigmentation. What Is a Skin Care Concentrate? A skin care concentrate is an effective formulation that includes powerful active ingredients. The active ingredient concentration in it is more than that of standard creams or lotions. Such a product goes through the layers of skin quite effectively. This leads to faster and better results. Such concentration is often used for addressing issues such as rough, lifeless skin, or presence of wrinkles or creases. These products are typically used in the fourth stage of the four steps, where the first three is to apply a cleanser followed by an eye cream, and lastly moisturizer. They usually involve the use of minute amounts of the concentrates since the ingredients are potent. To obtain satisfactory results, it is advisable to incorporate them into a complete regimen that involves several steps or processes. Benefits of Using a Skin Care Concentrate Skin care concentrates have a number of advantages.

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