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Peels in a comprehensive care program

Peels in a comprehensive care program

Keti Paksashvili

Nowadays it is one of the most effective and active treatments in the professional cabin in order to stimulate skin renewal processes. The most important thing here is to choose the right peeling.

To create a Peel Expert line reNeo cosmetics specialists had to analyze the effect of the most effective acids in various combinations, concentrations, and with different pH levels. As a result, has been developed the line of peels with an optimal quantity of products where each product has the most effective set of components, and a perfectly balanced ratio of acid concentration and pH level.
Peel-Expert line solves absolutely all aesthetic problems of the skin of the face, that can be treated with acid peels. And what is very important for the specialists, is the cost of the peeling treatment is comparable with the cost of a cup of aromatic cappuccino.

Peel-Expert line has been created as the collaboration of three laboratories: in Italy,
Spain and Israel.

All Peel-Expert products are superficial, which means:

  • absolute safety
  • predictable intensity and controlled effect
  • 100% physiological
  • no rehabilitation period requirement

All peeling treatments have a universal 4-step protocol.

  1. Cleansing
  2. Application of the peel
  3. Active mask
  4. Finish cream SPF

We would like to draw your special attention to pre-peel and post-peel treatments. These are important steps in the peeling program, that are responsible for achieving the desired result and the absence of complications.
It is recommended to start pre-peeling preparation 10-14 days before the peeling
treatment. To do this, it is recommended to start using a M303 Pre-Peel Lotion instead of a toner during an evening home care routine. It contains small concentrations of the following acids: glycolic, lactic, and salicylic, that gradually lower the pH of the skin, thereby effectively preparing it for the peeling treatment.

After the peeling treatment make sure to prescribe your clients a cream SPF for their
daily use, regardless of the weather and the season. This is your guarantee that your client will be protected against post-traumatic hyperpigmentation.

It is recommended to perform peeling treatments with a 7-10 days interval. During this period it is advisable to support skin rehabilitation with other care treatments according to indications.

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