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Top 5 questions about SPF

SPF is a sun protection factor, the numbers of which indicate how many times the minimum erythema dose increases while using this sunscreen. Or to put it more simply, the numbers show how long you can stay in the sun before you get sunburned. Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account not the numbers, but the ingredients.


Conductive serums: What? When? For what?

Serums are true assistants in the cosmetologist’s office, designed specifically to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.
The creation of serums for device-based treatments is based on a well-known and established medical field – physiotherapy, where the influence of all possible ways on mechano-, heat- and baroreceptors gives successful results in the treatment of many pathological conditions not only of the skin, but also of internal organs.


How to Attract Clients: Must-Have Professional Facial Products for Salons

Having the best products doesn’t always mean you have the right ones. It is essential to ensure your equipment and professional facial products for salons are of the finest quality. On the other hand, your offers are to cater to the latest interest of your audience. For those who are interested in upgrading their salon environment and making it as satisfying and attention-grabbing as possible, keep on reading to discover fancy solutions to get started with! Chemical Peels             That’s how you take skin exfoliation to the next level. It is a special solution applied to the desired zone, i.e., the patient’s hands, neck, or face, to deliver the best anti-ageing effect possible. It is a great means of treating fine lines, scars, acne, wrinkles and so on.             Here is why chemical peels from Reneo Cosmetics and other brands that care about the quality of the ingredients will advance facial kits for beauty therapists: Toners             Let people know the real magic behind introducing toners to their skincare regimen. While a lot of customers tend to skip this step, the right solution will make a difference. Products from brands like Reneo Cosmetics stand out with state-of-the-art formulas that can


Top 5 questions about SPF

SPF is a sun protection factor, the numbers of which indicate how many times the minimum erythema dose increases while using this sunscreen. Or to put it more simply, the numbers show how long you can stay in the sun before you get sunburned. Therefore, when choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account not the numbers, but the ingredients.


Conductive serums: What? When? For what?

Serums are true assistants in the cosmetologist’s office, designed specifically to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.
The creation of serums for device-based treatments is based on a well-known and established medical field – physiotherapy, where the influence of all possible ways on mechano-, heat- and baroreceptors gives successful results in the treatment of many pathological conditions not only of the skin, but also of internal organs.


How to Attract Clients: Must-Have Professional Facial Products for Salons

Having the best products doesn’t always mean you have the right ones. It is essential to ensure your equipment and professional facial products for salons are of the finest quality. On the other hand, your offers are to cater to the latest interest of your audience. For those who are interested in upgrading their salon environment and making it as satisfying and attention-grabbing as possible, keep on reading to discover fancy solutions to get started with! Chemical Peels             That’s how you take skin exfoliation to the next level. It is a special solution applied to the desired zone, i.e., the patient’s hands, neck, or face, to deliver the best anti-ageing effect possible. It is a great means of treating fine lines, scars, acne, wrinkles and so on.             Here is why chemical peels from Reneo Cosmetics and other brands that care about the quality of the ingredients will advance facial kits for beauty therapists: Toners             Let people know the real magic behind introducing toners to their skincare regimen. While a lot of customers tend to skip this step, the right solution will make a difference. Products from brands like Reneo Cosmetics stand out with state-of-the-art formulas that can

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